Thursday, November 24, 2011

SPP interview (23rd November, 2011)


alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah s.w.t coz He made things went smooth for the interview yesterday. [initially i was rather worried coz i didn't really prepared in details for certain subject matters which some of my colleagues have spotted for the interview.] and alhamdulillah too, many kindhearted cohort 4 friends including my classmates and cohort 4 all over the Malaysia (TESL program) have shared useful, helpful links, notes, reminders, and such. really appreciate it. alhamdulillah =)

dad and bibah, my little sister accompanied me to the interview place. mum sent me with hug and prayers. luv you all..thanks ya Rabb for such blissful happiness you gave, tho little yet fact, such giving is actually some piece of Your great love towards me, alhamdulillah..

i was in the same group with my classmate, faiz and another two guys from IPGM kampus batu lintang in sarawak, yet all of us are from terengganu. since i was the only girl in the group, most of the time the interviewer would ask his questions to me first. in fact it was an advantage for me. alhamdulillah again..hehe ^,^ overall, i managed to answer the given questions, though i did missed some..grin..perfection belongs solely to Allah the merciful =)

okay, so here are some of the questions he asked us/me; which i could still remember..pardon my grammar.still polishing them.grin.

1. introduce yourself in English. oh! i made kinda funny mistake here, as i was the first, i actually started to talk about myself in Malay! hehe. i said "assalamualaikum, nama saya nor farina eh!'" daa, a bit panicked yet the battle must go on. :p so i corrected myself and began to converse in English.alhamdulillah.
2. why i chose teaching English when i was actually from science stream? my reply: because i think i have more passion towards the English language.. ^_^.. [oh, reminded me to my English teachers back in school..hehe.. and i'm gonna make sure that my students will fall in love with the language too..cewaah :p]
3. next, what position were we applying for. oh, for this question i missed only one word! the answer is: pegawai perkhidmatan pendidikan siswazah DG41 - i missed out the word 'perkhidmatan'. hee.the reason for the interviewer to ask this was because logically as a person who applied for any job should by right know what position he/ she is applying for. indeed. :P FPK (falsafah pendidikan kebangsaan) or the national philosophy of education. again, it was me again as the first one to answer and was really an advantage for me, because i just have to tell what is the fpk, word by word; and it wasn't a problem for me coz i have already memorized it.heee..alhamdulillah =D it gets tougher for the person after me when the interviewer began to ask for details about the philosophy.phew~
5.oh, the next one wasn't a good one for me.i didn't come across the word/term 'gabung-jalin' or in English: integration. i understand the concept just that i couldn't relate it to the interviewer's question. never mind.
6.after that was about teaching theory if i'm not mistaken. alhamdulillah, i was able to explain on my choice of theories well. i chose cognitivism as proposed by jean piaget and humanism theory related to the multiple intelligences theory by howard gardner; with my rationale and justification. =) --> all knowledge are from Allah. alhamdulillah i was able to learn and understand it. =)
7. then it was about RPH (rancangan pengajaran harian-the red record book for teachers) again, alhamdulillah, i got to know from the previous groups (oh, mine was the last group) that the interviewer would ask about it. he asked what should be in the rph and i was able to answer well i think.hehe.coz i just happened to have a look at my rph few days before while preparing all the necessary documents for the interview. =D
8. what else yaa..about belanjawan if i'm not mistaken. he asked us bout belanjawan and all of us were just thinking bout the 'peruntukan perbelanjaan' and stuff..and we forgot the most important thing, that is 'what are the sources for the money that to be spent??" hehe.. well.of course one should be able to identify his/her sources of income before thinking about spending it.hehe.big grin. :p and oh, he asked us whether our government's belanjawan is deficit, balanced or surplus.dang.i was puzzled.i replied deficit but i can't explain what is deficit.haha.
9.what do we read about any current issues.a boy replied SEA games and i was like, oh my! please..i don't read much on that except for watching the football match between harimau muda and the garuda team; witnessing the sweet success.apart than that= zero. luckily, we got to choose our own topics.phew. so mine was on the lifelong learning.alhamdulillah. =)

ok, i know..a lot of alhamdulillah(s) up there.hehe.ya, because i really felt grateful, for all His help.
so, never stop praying to Allah.and learn to always be grateful, and myself also is still learning to practice it.oh, and for sharing; practice this (for those who didn't know before)
- pray Rabbi yassir wala tu'assir [o God, make it easy and don't make it hard]
- pray Rabbishralli sodri, wayassirli amri, wahlul uqdatan min lisani yafqohu qouli (i think many are familiar with this dua') [ya Allah lapangkan dadaku, permudahkan urusanku, dan leraikan simpulan di lidahku serta lancarkan pertuturanku]
-recite surah alam nasyrah


so, hope to hear good result soon.preparation and interview, tawakkal upon Allah.
for those who will be interviewed tomorrow, all the best of luck, and my prayers for all of you.
have a good day.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

nota cinta-saujana

andainya, dapatku menulis nota-nota cinta buat diriNya
inginku titipkan bersama semua kuntuman bunga yang indah berseri
ku sembur haruman mewangi bersama kata-kata puji
sedang Dia tahu kasih dan cintanya aku
menjalin ikatan menuju ke syurga

cintaku kepada Dia* rinduku hanya padaNya*kasihku tulus buatNya
setiaku balas kasihNya*kasihku kasih yang setia*pada Yang Punya

dambaku pada Yang Esa*pujian hanya buatNya
akurku kebesaranNya*teragung Maha SuciNya
taatku hamba yang hina...pada Pencipta

kiranya aku hilang arah, jalan hidupku berubah punah
namun kasihNya tak pernah akan musnah
belas rahmatNya terus mencurah-curah
nur hidayahNya semakin cerah....

Wednesday, November 09, 2011


sudah cukupkah?
amalan yang mungkin dibawa
ibadah yang akan dipersembahkan
kebajikan yang akan dibentangkan

kalau amalan, ibadah, kebajikan itu
diterima semuanya
dan tidak ditolak olehNYA

sehingga kau berani
untuk merasa malas dan lengah??!

masamu kian suntuk, singkat, sempit
sekecil apa perbuatan itu, tetap dilihat Sang Pencipta?!

ya benar, Allah itu Maha Pengasih,
penuh rahmat dan kasih
tapi apakah kau layak untuk menagih
jika ketaatan kepadaNya tidak kau pilih?

jalan kembali kepadaNya
sentiasa terbuka lebar, seluasnya
bijaklah dalam mngatur langkah
agar kembali kepada redha Allah

~let's walk to him

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

entri panjang.. kalau rajin bacala.. :p


i'm 23years old and still single
not having a husband nor a boyfriend
reason? because Allah has arranged so..
ok, typical answer :p
p/s=boyfriend or couple is not allowed in islam ya (^,^)

(switch code: code mixing)

actually before this, all the while during my teenage life, my biggest dream is to become isteri solehah yang dicintai suaminya sepenuh hati (ceewah).. and [please don't be surprised] this dream was the major dream of mine at the time..pelik lain maybe ada yg berangan nak achieve something in career or professional achievement..nak keja best..nak jadi kaya..nak jadi menteri ka, doktor ka..pape lah.. tapi saya..mencari kunci syurga dalam redha suami (waah, ayat~) alahai, zaman remaja :p

and previously, i had put up a high hope that me and a person i chose (at that time) would be able to seek for Allah's bless and that we would be united and become sakinah, mawaddah, warrahmah family and seek for jannah.. nonetheless, i was actually receiving a lesson from God about love; through that sinful sweet-bitter experience =( ,  hm.. i learnt that

  • one should find Allah's love first; on top of everything
  • love between non-muhrim/ajnabees should occur only between husband & wife
  • Allah has decided our soul mate who suits us in HIS judgement
  • manusia hanya merancang, Allah yang menentukan, 
  • redha Allah mesti didahulukan daripada kehendak dan kemahuan diri, kerna apa yang diredhai Allah sudah semestinya yang terbaik dunia dan akhirat tapi kemahuan serta kehendak diri belum tentu apa yang diredhai Allah.. 
(and more actually) --> i am totally grateful for everything that happened because it shows that Allah is guiding me in His way..

so, back to my teenage dream (^,^) it is still the same, yet it is not the major dream for now
  • i realized that to achieve Allah's bless is not solely through marriage..maksudnya, ada hal yang lebih penting yang perlu dicapai..dicari..untuk mendapatkan redha Allah..seeking for mardhatiLLAh..
  • mungkin jiwa remaja..perkahwinan yang merupakan penyatuan dua insan berlainan jantina secara halal dan jika dilaksanakan berlandaskan syariah bakal membawa rahmat Allah menyebabkan ianya menjadi suatu matlamat yang sangat best utk dicapai berbanding hal2 lain (dalam fikiran seorg remaja masa tu..huhu..)
  • perspektif hidup da berubah setelah ilmu diisi dalam dada (antara contoh kepentingan ilmu ye kawan2..) 
oh, nak share jap, pasal ilmu ada baca yang Allah dah menentukan semuanya utk hambanya (ingat tak qada' and qadar.. ^^, ) it's written that we don't have to be too troubled with the end result, cukup dengan berusaha semampu kita, dan yakinlah bahawa Allah akan membuka jalannya bagi kita..ingat, key point nya ialah usaha yang terbaik, dan berserah kepada Allah. =)

ish2..bila baca balik entri ni cam da pening pulak..huhu

ok la..yang nak di highlightkan di sini sebenarnye ada beberapa perkara.. 

  1. buat masa sekarang perkahwinan bukanlah keutamaan saya kerana banyak hal yang perlu diuruskan terlebih dahulu..tapi...
    • bukanlah saya say NO to jangan salah faham ye :P
    • ini semua tertakluk kepada apa yang ditentukan dan ditetapkan Allah
  2. mungkin jodoh sy belum sampai kerana (macam dlm satu dialog hasil karya Habiburrahman elShirazy yg sy tgk baru2 ni) Allah masih memberi saya peluang untuk memperbaiki diri saya
    • ok, context memperbaiki diri ni luas, tapi antara yang utamanya ialah dari aspek agama..personaliti..kehidupan.. (hm..byk ni nak kena improve..hehe)
  3. saya masih mencari calon yang sesuai untuk menjadi ayah kepada anak2 saya kelak (jika Allah mengizinkan) supaya anak2 sy dapat menerima didikan agama langsung daripada ayahnya, bukannya dipindahkan tanggungjawab itu sepenuhnya kepada ustaz atau sekolah/sekolah agama SAHAJA.. dan lebih penting lagi supaya kami saling membantu utk menuju redha Allah.. 
hm..nak ulas sket yg point nombor 3 tu..
wanita yg baik utk lelaki yg baik dan sebaliknya.. bila tengok kelemahan diri, aduhai...
masih adakah peluang utk sy dapat seorg jodoh yg baik? isk..
saya tau saya x perfect..saya tau masih banyak kekurangan diri saya..
jadi..adakah saya tidak mungkin dijodohkan dengan lelaki seperti yg sy impikan?
saya tau, hanya Allah yang sempurna,
tiada apa yang perlu saya risaukan jika saya bersandar sepenuhnya kepada Allah,
dan jika Allah mengehendaki, tiada apa yang mustahil untuk berlaku..
untuk masa ni, saya mesti berusaha sepenuh daya dan upaya untuk memperbaiki diri..
untuk kembali ke landasan yang benar..
dan mengutamakan Allah dalam apa pun perkara..
kerana saya yakin..Allah telah merencanakan sesuatu yang terbaik untuk saya..
jadi saya mesti mempersiapkan diri untuk menerima apa yang telah Allah tetapkan untuk saya..

what really matters is the life at ukhrawi..
dunia hanya jalan menuju ke sana..
dan untuk menempuhi jalan ini, selaku insan yang lemah, saya masih tetap memerlukan pendamping...

dan pintaku ya Allah, 
kurniakanlah daku pendamping 
yang terbaik bagiku, menurutMu..
agar kami saling mendukung dan menguatkan 
untuk meneruskan langkah
menuju redha MU...
ya Rabb..

buat teman di luar sana..doakan yang terbaik untuk diriku,
moga yang terbaik jugalah buat kalian..
amin, ya Rabbal 'alamin..


Monday, November 07, 2011


because you are His...
because you've made a promise
the forgotten promise (you said it is)

because you are going to pay
for all the deeds or sins you did
and on that day
there will be no delay
because that is what He said..

          BECAUSE YOU ARE CREATED AS THE 'KHALIFAH' on this temporary stage called duniaa
          BECAUSE YOU WILL BE ASKED for everything you did, at the day of justice; the day of TRUTH
and that is why..
you must watch your step..
in every single/double/triple step(s) you take
in every single breath you made