Sunday, January 31, 2010


ya Allah..apa dah jadi dengan ummat Muhammad sekarang?
sedihnya...bagaimana agaknya reaksi baginda menyaksikan kehancuran moral dan peribadi agama ummah tercintanya hari ini..
baginda bermati-matian untuk menyebarkan Islam!..menyemaikan akhlak dan peribadi mulia.dengan pengharapan ummat dikasihi dibawah redha Ilahi..

tapi harini..
senang2 je remaja kita buat keputusan yang jelas seolah2 mendahulukan yang lain lebih dari agama.
mendahulukan cinta yang tak halal daripada melaksanakan perintah Allah
mengutamakan trend dari tunduk dan takut akan azabNya..

tak paham! apa rasionalnya x pakai panties masa valentine!!
tak kisahla kalau memang tak nak pakai atau selesa sebegitu..setiap hari ke, bila-bila ke..
tapi kalau KHUSUS untuk VALENTINE!!! KHUSUS untuk BOYFRIEND! saya ulang BOYFRIEND!!! bahkan bukan suami!!! untuk ape??!!!! saya sangat emosi sebab fikiran waras saya rasa sangat tidak dapat menerima budaya sebegini.tak kisahla benda/ hak peribadi pun..apa yang mereka nak tunjuk?nak buktikan cinta?? nak tunjuk betapa maha hebat dan maha dalamnya cinta untuk boyfriend tersayang???

ya Allah..peliharakanlah kami dari kehancuran..aku mohon... ='(
dan ampunkanlah kelemahan diri yang hanya mampu membenci dalam hati.tak terdaya kudrat mahupun fizikal untuk menghentikannya.. isk..

adik2..tolongla..sayangilah iman kamu...sekali dah hilang, ditutup hati..ditetapkan pintu ke neraka, tidakkah timbul penyesalan?

at least, fikirlah perasaan ibu bapa..wajar ke nak buat camtu untuk seorang yang belum sah statusnya kat kita? cintalah bagai nak mati pun tapi kalau bukan nama boyfriend tu yang tertulis sebagai suami, beerti bukanlah dia.korbanlah apa pun..harta..nyawa..badan..semua sia2..semua bahkan hanya mengundang kemurkaan Allah..

p/s: maybe orang kata, ala xpakai panties je..bukan nak buat apa pun..
tapi, tak ke perbuatan tu seolah2 menunjukkan -saya akan buat apa saja untuk kamu.dan motif tak pakai?

Friday, January 29, 2010


whatever i will be doing..
wherever i'll be going..
or whoever i'll be connected to..

i beg YOU..please hold me tight in d Nur..

Wednesday, January 27, 2010



very painful

any longer


noo!! it can't be delayed not even a second!

out of my


------------------------------------------------------------------ u find it gross? well, experimenting with gross subject.hikhik.
actually d main thing i wanna touch here is to be grateful.
can't see d connection?

ok la, few questions for u:

1. what if when u're doing ur pleasure business (:P) u forgot to check n u find out that u cudn't get enough water to clean no other available alternative materials.

2. and what if, suddenly ur beloved stomach or anus (erk) got problem..or maybe not just that moment but it continued for days..weeks..months.. aaa~

soo..y don't u say thanks you Allah for the pleasure of being able to get rid those unnecessary things out of ur cute tummy..

let's say Alhamdulillah.. =)

Monday, January 25, 2010

am i guilty? if so, forgive me..please..

i feel if i've created a gap.the i guilty?

maybe there is no gap at all.could be -as usual- it's just my feeling.false feeling.

but i see different reaction.the face and the eyes appear different in front of me.

am i guilty? how i wish it's just a false feeling.

is your serious face a sign? it's different.quietly i've been thinking and wondering if ever i hurt u again..coz i alwiz did without my realization.

is there anything upset u? could it be my writing? or my action and words? or what.. ? give me a clue..i can't figure it out..not that i didn't reflect.i did..

if i am the reason for ur bad feel, forgive me.hope u know how i appreciate u.
if i am the guilty, tell me so that i can stop doing the wrongs..

Sunday, January 24, 2010

the dream of the apple (part 2)

the apple is swaying rather happily on the tree..the image of the young guy slowly fades away from her..she's not much bothered by him..what has happened to her?


few days before...
(after the apple thinks she's meet d guy of her dream)

the tree : are u sure that the guy is of your dream?

red apple : indeed! he seems to have all the qualities that i'm looking for.but...

the tree : but what dear?

red apple : i know i'm not as good as him. he fits for better apples..

the tree : then, how about you?

red apple : me? i don't know.

the tree : listen child..first, istighfar... coz unconsciously u were thinking of a guy who isn't anyone to u.neither muhrim nor husband.secondly, the way u praise him might be not great a person be, remember He who creates is indeed the Greatest!

red apple : astarghfirullah..forgive me ya Rabb..

the tree : another thing child.. do believe in Rabbul 'Alamin that He has decided the best for you.if you wish to have a great man, fix urself and try to be as great as the man u're dreaming for..inshaAllah if u two were destined, He'll make it easy for both of u.if not, probably another person is better for you.u may feel that d guy u're hoping for can lead you to HIm but..perhaps he doesn't really suits other aspects maybe.. could be, he's not the one written in LuhMahfuz for u..

~And (likewise) clean and chaste women are (specific) to clean and pious men while clean and pious men are exclusively for clean and chaste women. (surah anNur:26)


and so the red apple has returned to her calm mind and heart.she shall keep performing her rightful duties..
The END~~

Friday, January 22, 2010

the dream of the apple (part 1)

the apple is still trying her best hanging on the top..let it be windy days, raining or stormy weather, she tries to keep holding to the branch that attach her to the big tree.until one day she sees a young guy.he's not even attracted to those red juicy apples that lie waiting on the ground to be picked.because he's standing on the earth with his purposes -carrying out the Creator's order.

the guy seems to have a good credibility.his personality has somehow convinced the apple that he is not an ordinary person. it sparks through his actions and speech.a person who has devoted his life to the Creator.someone who makes the apple thinks

'o, how lucky if i ever being picked by him.he might even help me to return to the Great Creator and fulfill my duty on the earth..o, how grateful shall i be then!'

yet the apple then realizes..she is not the best apple on the tree.lot more apples appear more promising than her.she knows that she's not comparable to the guy.the guy surely being destined to pick better apple...


layakkah jika diri mengharap disunting si dia..pengharapan yang menggunung agar diri dapat dibimbing..dinasihati..serta diteguhkan pendirian utk terus menongkah menuju kepada Pencipta..

namun cermin diri menghujah -"kau tidak seperti Anna yg sememangnya dijodohkan dgn khairul Azzam (sewajarnya mereka bersatu kerna saling sepadan dan sekufu). mungkin kau bahkan cuma sperti eliana.."


bisikan si epal merah kepada sang pemuda:

aku mencintai agamamu kerna ia agamaNYA..
kau perkenalkan aku kepada rujukan yang membawa aku kembali merindui DIA
(tapi kita mafhum, hakikatnya segalanya dihadirkan oleh DIA jua,
dan kau..hanya salurannya)

dan aku tidak mencintaimu kerna kau tidak halal bagiku..
ya, itu yang sewajarnya
kerna harus aku tidak alpa..tujuan lahir di dunia
-yang sedetik cuma
juga, perlu aku berwaspada..
dengan jarum halus tusukan makhluk dilaknat~

segala telah direncana DIA..
tugas sekarang hanya perlu usaha setia kepadaNYA..
insha Allah

p/s: the red apple is surviving yet she needs some strength~

Monday, January 18, 2010

meh nak kongsi citer sket..

hm, haritu ada kawan saya kongsi satu citer ni dgn saya..pendek je pun, tapi yang penting hikmah yang kita boleh ambil kan? (",)

suatu hari Rasulullah saw menyuruh Abu Hurairah memakai sepasang terompah dan berjalan, serta menyatakan kepada orang yang ditemui dalam perjalanannya dengan terompah itu bahawa "kamu akan pasti masuk syurga..ini titipan dari Rasulullah saw.."

jadi Abu Hurairah pun berjalan dan orang pertama yang beliau jumpa ialah saidina Umar al-Khattab..jadi dia pun beritahu seperti yang dipesan oleh Rasulullah..kemudian...

cuba teka apa reaksi saidina Umar?

a) menangis kegembiraan
b) menjerit dan bertakbir
c) sujud syukur


saidina Umar telah menumbuk Abu Hurairah!


mereka berdua terus menemui Rasulullah dan Rasulullah menyatakan bahawa itu adalah benar pesanan daripada baginda.
lalu Umar berkata janganlah dilakukan sebegitu lagi kerana dia takut dia atau orang2 lain yang mendengarnya menjadi malas dan tidak lagi berusaha untuk beramal..

hm..agak2 kalau kita diberitahu macam tu, ape reaksi kita? buat kenduri kesyukuran? masuk syurga tu..
tapi saidina Umar bahkan risau, khuatir jika dia merasa terleka dengan jaminan itu...

sekian ceritanya.. wassalam =)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hasrizal Abdul Jamil Alasan bermain kuiz telek nasib sbg "main tak apa, percaya jangan", adalah menyalahi kaedah Islam yg menetapkan kemungkaran itu hendaklah tidak sekadar ditinggalkan, malah dijauhi. "Setiap apa yang aku larang kamu drpd melakukannya, maka hendaklah kamu MENJAUHKAN DIRI daripadanya. Dan setiap satu perkara yang aku perintahkan kamu lakukan ia, maka lakukanlah ia dengan sepenuh upaya diri..." [Hadith Muttafaq 'alayh]

[copy paste dr facebook]

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

they do exist

i'm totally fresh by the time i lay myself on the bed.ironically the incident occurred despite d fact that i've juz finished reciting alMulk, 3 Quls, and ayaatul Qursy..Indeed He whom decides everything.

it was 00.12 by d time i closed my eyes.a sudden struck awaken me.a heavy pressure upon d chest urging my mind to think "gosh! is it dat thing??!" and i decided to step down from d bed.yet, upon thinking of dat my foot became too heavy and my hands are unmovable, like being nailed to d bed."Ya Allah, help me.."

during smkap days, students are much fond to say "if such thing happened, reach for ur nearest friends or call their name.."

mila! i need to call her name! at least come and touch me, please..or do awake so perhaps d thing might go..i can't! i tried to voice out but nothing produced.i kept struggling and kept trying to call her.almost in despair..ya Rabb..pity me, arRahman..

asma'alhusna! it's by d bedside where i left b4 i sleep, isn't it??! urgh! not even a finger moved.even to move my eyes from left to right to look at mila at d opposite bed was such an exhausting force.

i kept thinking about d book.and somehow, with the struggle i manage to sit! such a relief!!
quickly, i rushed to mila.she seemed a bit shocked.lying next to her yet d mind can't stop processing.mila suggested to recite any surah..

ya Allah, protect us from any unwanted incidents..
if You are to test us, may You give us strength to undergo it..

Friday, January 08, 2010

a weak heart

i am a person who is easily and much affected and disturbed by people's remark upon me.
or when i got to noe that people are displeased wif me.
hence d bad feeling starts to overwhelm and attacking me.
decreasing the level of confidence which is already low.
worse is; tears sometimes accompanied d process.(despite knowing the fact that tears rightfully belongs to arRaheem and shall fall only for HIM).

an incident affect me last night.childish and sensitive me.sigh.
to HIM i seek d strength and alhamdulillah, HE never sleep and always listen.

ya Rabb, i am grateful and thankful as You have given me a friend whom can help to calm and soothe fact those are from YOU, just that it comes to me through her..

what matters is not people's judgement; but how Rabb and Rasul see me.-reminder for me-

it feels different when the ukhuwwah is for HIM.together we shall help and remind each other to continue walking to YOu i pray that YOUr bless be with us and our families and friends.

* a friend of mine seems to have found the one destined for her.i pray that everything goes well and fine, and more importantly, may both of them unite under Rabb's blessing.

**another friend of mine said that to get a good man, we ourselves should be good first.hopefully my effort will double up after this.yet, to remind myself, it's not solely because of hoping for the man but to seek for a good man will lead his woman to the rightful track.insyaAllah.