Friday, January 22, 2010

the dream of the apple (part 1)

the apple is still trying her best hanging on the top..let it be windy days, raining or stormy weather, she tries to keep holding to the branch that attach her to the big tree.until one day she sees a young guy.he's not even attracted to those red juicy apples that lie waiting on the ground to be picked.because he's standing on the earth with his purposes -carrying out the Creator's order.

the guy seems to have a good credibility.his personality has somehow convinced the apple that he is not an ordinary person. it sparks through his actions and speech.a person who has devoted his life to the Creator.someone who makes the apple thinks

'o, how lucky if i ever being picked by him.he might even help me to return to the Great Creator and fulfill my duty on the earth..o, how grateful shall i be then!'

yet the apple then realizes..she is not the best apple on the tree.lot more apples appear more promising than her.she knows that she's not comparable to the guy.the guy surely being destined to pick better apple...


layakkah jika diri mengharap disunting si dia..pengharapan yang menggunung agar diri dapat dibimbing..dinasihati..serta diteguhkan pendirian utk terus menongkah menuju kepada Pencipta..

namun cermin diri menghujah -"kau tidak seperti Anna yg sememangnya dijodohkan dgn khairul Azzam (sewajarnya mereka bersatu kerna saling sepadan dan sekufu). mungkin kau bahkan cuma sperti eliana.."


bisikan si epal merah kepada sang pemuda:

aku mencintai agamamu kerna ia agamaNYA..
kau perkenalkan aku kepada rujukan yang membawa aku kembali merindui DIA
(tapi kita mafhum, hakikatnya segalanya dihadirkan oleh DIA jua,
dan kau..hanya salurannya)

dan aku tidak mencintaimu kerna kau tidak halal bagiku..
ya, itu yang sewajarnya
kerna harus aku tidak alpa..tujuan lahir di dunia
-yang sedetik cuma
juga, perlu aku berwaspada..
dengan jarum halus tusukan makhluk dilaknat~

segala telah direncana DIA..
tugas sekarang hanya perlu usaha setia kepadaNYA..
insha Allah

p/s: the red apple is surviving yet she needs some strength~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tak perlu mencari teman secantik BALQIS, Jika diri tak seindah SULAIMAN,
Mengapa mengharap teman setampan YUSUF, Jika kasih tak setulus ZULAIKHA,
Tak perlu diri menjadi seteguh IBRAHIM, Jika tak sekuat SARAH,
Mengapa didamba teman hidup seistimewa KHADIJAH, Jika diri tak sesempurna RASULULLAH --hehehe taken from i luv islam.

We just serve HIM,we wont be astray. :)

Aja aja :D