whoever and wherever you are, there is only one true final destination, so let's all walk back to HIM~
Thursday, December 31, 2009
it is all about new
new hopes.
new determination.
yet, we are the same old person.
eh, no..we can also become a new person!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
x best
saya x suka hobi ni!
dan saya terlupa, padahal bru je pesan
supaya amek menda dr sudut y positif..
hm..encik syaitan, sila menghindar...
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, jauhkan kami daripada pautan nafsu syaitan durjana dan kami berlindung pada-MU daripada kejahatan nafsu kami dan jadikanlah kami daripada golongan orang yang SABAR.
pagi yang cerah
selamat pagi.
amacam pagi ni?
bestlah bangun pagi2 sebenarnya.da lama tau tapi susah sgt nk praktis.huhu.
sgt2 best lagi bila tgk cahaya oren mula masuk bilik.oh, sebelum tu, cuaca dingin.sangat nyaman.fuh.
dan lagi best lagi kalau kita sama2 fikir, siapa lah agaknya yang ciptakan semua ni? kan3... =)
oh, nk pesan je..jom kita lihat benda dari sudut positif.
memang, setiap satu benda memang confirm la ada yang negatifnya, kadang2 yg negatif tu dominan.tapi..kita yg pilih nk tgk yg mana kan.ala, mcm dgn kekasih kita; kalau buruk tang mana pon, mesti kita dok sayang part cantik dia kan..
hm, nasihat td tu khusus utk diri saya yg disayangi (yg sendiri selalu sgt2 lupa nk apply-duh, tolong ingatkan kalau rajin..thanks) serta rakan2 y dikasihi..
praise be to Rabbul Alamin..yang Maha Indah kerna DIA pencipta segala yang terindah!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
a humble wish
i would like to be the apple, you know..the apple that stays on the top, wouldn't let itself fall on the ground just to attract the attention of others to pick it up.
rather, the apple will stay strong up there, waiting patiently until one day the deserved one come and pick her up straight from the top.it wouldn't allow herself to be low, just to be eaten by a human.it will belong to the great one.the one with iman and taqwa...
another girl asked
what if u're destined to be like Asiah, the wife of Pharaoh? definitely he is not the one with iman and taqwa..besides, you never know whether you'll get what you wished for as the Almighty decides..
the girl then thinks and she replied
i shall be patient and redha with HIS decision, as HE knows what is the best for me..
ya, it is easier said than done.hence i must keep holding to the rope, as du'a is the best weapon ever..but the most important is, what's in our heart..let us all pray to be al-mukhlisin..
Monday, December 28, 2009
so why with the hesitation? keep your faith and walk into the path of bless n rahmah
with ur du'a..
ya Rabb, i am much thankful for all You have given.
and now, another treasure from you..
a friend who can keep my mind close to You..
Thursday, December 17, 2009
walking to a new year..
may everything is better than previous year,
including our investment for the later world.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
a taste of worriness
excellent networking.not that i'm worried about.
when i first arrived, i saw a lot of groups, teenage groups, mainly boys..i presume they're around 14-17 years old.ya, it's holiday so they're x playing truant i noee.
but i'm worried wif their style, their ways of getting around..
plain and naive faces but wrapped in weird dressing..coloured hair, accessories, yet no one knows underneath those innocent looks.
and those girls around them..
still..there are few groups of nerdies too.. :P
and even primary school boys n girls..aih, to compare wif our time..
hmmm...sumthing unpleasant disturbing my mind..hope it's juz my feeling..
and i'm worried if i ever need to deal wif such students at school soon.
oh, surely i have to.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
amaran!!! boleh muntah hijau kalau nak baca jugak..
hm..kalau macam minum secawan air coklat panas sekali teguk boleh tak? hangat kat perut la tapinya..
rasa sakit hati..sangat2..macam dah nak gila.. sakit sangat2..benci sangat2..benci, tapi tetap nak tengok dia..aigoo..benci kat diri sendiri jugak, nape mesti jadi macam separuh gila ni? apa kelayakan dia? siapa dia? tapi, tetap..dia menjejaskan, sangat2 menjejaskan hati, perasaan, fikiran..
coffee prince.haha, memang amat lambat pon..baru je tengok.thanks mila =)
yup, ayat2 muntah hijau kat atas tadi, kesan dari menonton cerita korea ini.kihkihkih...semua macam nak terkeluar semula dari peti besi yang kebal tu..peti besi yang kuncinya dah dihanyutkan laut..laut masa... aihh...
(agak2 percaya ke sume ni ditulis oleh farina? rofl~~)
sangat syiok layan citer romantik kan? x setuju? suka citer aksi ganas2 atau citer seram? nak offer citer horror kat saya? no thanks..cukup lah bebaru ni x leh tido smpai kaco budak2 lain.dang~ hihi..
aih..merapik byk2 lepas layan movie.aih...
perasaan gembira tengok orang tu senyum..marah bila rasa ditipu (eh, ni x pernah kot..ya, kamu memang baik..huhu) geram bila kena usik..bila rasa macam diabaikan..
bila sakit bukan nk pegi jumpa doktor tapi nak dengar suara dia..aih, mustajab ke?
macam2..pelik kan.
pikir2 balik, semua ni terbit dari satu perasaan yang tak jelas puncanya..otak? hati? jantung? saraf? subhanAllah! hebatnya DIA! perasaan yang berbaur..bergolak, tak jelas tapi nyata..siapa yang membolehkan kita rasa semua ni kalau bukan DIA..
thank you ALLAH =)
p/s: nape thank you? bukan terseksa n merana ke? ya..dulu sangat2, tapi macam saya kata, kunci dah hanyut dgn lautan masa..lautan yg sangat2 luas..kalaupun ada darah menitik, darah yg sangat banyak, laut akan tetap warna biru jugak lepas suatu jangka masa..setuju tak?
so, thank you sebab saya berpeluang alaminya..dan lebih penting lagi, belajar sangat banyak daripadanya..juga menyedari betapa DIA sayangi hambaNYA dalam cara DIA sendiri =)
Friday, November 20, 2009
semester break
it's raining heavily over here.almost 24 hour.uish! i can't run away from the temptation.from the wants to sneak under the comfortable comforter..on the warm bed.aih!
any plan for dis break? naah..too short.perhaps if d weather is fine i'll practice on my bike skills.hoho.juz now tried, but sis still not much satisfied.she even suggested me to re-take my bike license.duh.terrible am i? ya, i noe..hikhik..
enjoying leisure hour at homey.great unexplainable feeling.trying my best to get closer to Him.shud make full use of this big opportunity.b4 d semester reopen n flood of assignments rush in.haha..
ok la, it's time 4 maghrib prayer.haiyaa ala' ssolaah, haiya alaa' falaah~ yuk kita solat yuk! =)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
saya pun tak faham..
sambil tunggu mesin selesai, eh, saya terperasan ada seekor kucing putih bertompok hitam, datang dekat dengan saya, kemudian pergi ke suatu sudut.
dekat sudut tu ada longgokan baju-baju yang tidak dikutip oleh siswa siswi, jadi makcik yang membersihkan blok kumpulkan atau longgokkan di sudut itu.
bila saya tengok dengan teliti, eh! ada empat ekor anak kucing yang masih halus! sangat lemah dan sangat kecil.tergolek dan terliuk lentok, ya la, tulang masih belum kuat.
rupanya anak-anak kucing itu milik ibu kucing berwarna putih hitam itu tadi.dia pergi dekat anak-anak dia tu.longlai.penat agaknya ye, mungkin masih dalam pantang? hihi..
saya tengok walaupun ibu kucing tu masih lemah, tapi bila anak-anak dia panjat dia (secara tergedek-gedek dan jatuh-jatuh..hihi, lucu!) ibu kucing tu masih setia dekat situ.dia bagi anak dia minum susu.bayangkan, empat mulut dan lapan tangan halus, kat badan ibu kucing lemah tu..ibu kucing tu sampaikan kena angkat tangan dia sikit, bagi laluan kat anak-anak dia.saya tengok dia, dan dia tengok saya, dengan mata yang agak kuyu.lemah.
bila anak dia dah kenyang dan tergolek, ibu kucing tu mandikan pulak anak dia.perlahan-lahan.cermat.bila macam ni la, saya mula tak faham...
1. saya tak faham kenapa kucing punya naluri kasih sayang lebih tinggi dari manusia. ya la, tengok je la kes-kes buang anak, dekat tandas la, surau la, kolej la..haish!
kucing: tak ada orang atau kucing lain yang akan marah atau kecewa dengan dia kalau dia abaikan atau biarkan anak dia.tapi dia tetap jaga anak dia.dia tak ada akal untuk bezakan yang mana baik yang mana buruk, macam manusia, tapi naluri sayang dia menyebabkan dia setia jaga anak dia.manusia yang berakal pulak? aduh, ironi kan?
sedihnya tengok generasi baru yang makin rosak..apa yang boleh saya buat dalam situasi macam ni ya? sebab sebaik-baik manusia adalah mereka yang bermanfaat kepada orang lain.saya mahu jadi orang yang berguna untuk masyarakat.mungkin, satu hari nanti saya dapat buat sesuatu..
Monday, November 16, 2009
exam is over for now
praise be for the Almighty.
gonna have steam boating session soon.will upload if got any pic.
momentos wif 23A bahtera.wonderful ladies are here.. wink2.. :P
Saturday, November 07, 2009
forgive me
forgive me for giving headaches and never stop doing so,
eversince i can't munch my own nutritious food
until i can walk freely away from you..much away
but still, still keep troubling you..
promise, i made, to myself and you,
not to waste the chance i've got
to make myself a 'somebody'
who in return, will serve for u..
or at least make u proud of me, seeing me
achieving the best that i may gain,
while i'm away, from u..
so let others calling me elite or watsoever,
as i know my promise to you
you, whom i always place my heavy burdens of life..
forgive me for that
never in my prayer do i forget you
cause only HIM knows best how
to pay for your priceless deed
in the eternal world
to mum n dad
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009
i love exam??
perhaps i should change d phrase.
.i love study week.
better i guess.
coz it's soo santai.hehe
yaa..guess i've not done much studying n revising.sigh!! lazy bum.
but i like it when i do not need to rush for morning classes.no need to rush after asar and maghrib prayers.can do laundries.watch movieess and play games -hohoi, kantoi misusing d study week.haha..
but actually, there's sumthing about exam period.reminding me of Him.to let me know and remember d sweetness of faith and hope.laying your wishes upon d Great and knowing that u'll not be turned down.even if things may not be as how u wished for, perhaps it's better 4 u dat way.
bcoz.. pliz, do juz remember, He who knows what's best for you..
“… Boleh jadi kamu membenci seseuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; ALLAH mengetahui, sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui.” (Al-Baqarah : 216) <---sorry, can't find d english translation
p/s: once i've got to hear meaningful words from somebody sitting next to me in the exam hall.he told me b4 entering d hall.and repeated it by mouthing it.words dat convinced how he feels for me.well, memory is alwiz a memory isn't it? thanks 4 d memory. :P (wink2)
Friday, October 30, 2009
of milk and cats
oyin in pet society? naah..it's too artificial.i want something real!
and i got it this few mornings!! yeaa..nope, nobody send any cat o kitten to my house..
d morning air was much nice the other day so i decided to go for cycling wif my pink bike of course.went for several rounds in the college and bahtera compound.but then i stopped at the house by the end of the road, in the same row of our bahtera house.ya, d one wif brown gate n d one organized open house during eid last time (but not for us.haha).
...bcoz i saw a few adorable creatures crawling in the bushes and on the road.
they are kittens!! happy indeed!! jump3!! haha..this morning i went again to look for them and play with them. =D
two oranges, two black and whiteys, and four much younger lil kittens..
the oranges and black+whiteys succeeded on jumping over the drain but the littluns aren't having enuf courage and will..tho i can see how much they wanted to jump over and play on the road.haha..cute littluns!!
oh! and today actually i found another two kittens.far younger than those at the house wif d brown gate.very pitiful.guess they just lost their mother.they seem so hungry and cold.so i've decided to get some milk for them.
went back home and prepared d milk, put in kfc container.cycled back to the pitiful kittens.
the chubbier one, black and white, drank some of the milk, while the other seem not to be fond of it.wondering~and she's also shivering.wondering~
since they don't drink much so i think better to give it to the bunch of cute, adorable, active kittens at the house wif brown gate.hence i cycled back there.
instead of running for me, the older ones came approaching the bicycle! haha..they started to scratch and scratch the tyre..jumping up and down.LOL! having much fun wif them.ahaks~ even took one orangey and put him in the basket.cycled within the area.he's fine.once stopped he jumped to the ground.nice ride huh? =D
when i offered d milk, they drink it!one of them even lick on my finger coz there's some milk on it.dun worry, i've got my dettol sanitizer wif me. =D
i helped one of the little kitten who can't cross the drain.she shriek, rather terrified.lol.but then she is happy wif d milk as well. =D
and moment later, i can she that she managed to jump over the drain herself! way to go cutie kitty!! =D
much contented! i luv cats and kittens and rasulullah s.a.w. also fond of them, rite =D
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
minggu belajar
alhamdulillah, tidak terlalu banyak dugaan mahupun kesulitan yang dialami oleh saya sepanjang semester ini. untuk tugasan individu, berpasangan jua berkumpulan, semuanya sudah selesai. pening juga kepala masa hendak selesaikan soalan-soalan objektif bagi subjek 'language test' tempoh hari.tapi semua dah pun siap.markah? alhamdulillah...
jadi sekarang, tak boleh terlalu selesa dan berehat terlalu banyak meskipun tiada lagi sesi kuliah.sekarang ini lah sebenarnya masa yang amat menguji disiplin dan tanggung jawab individu, terhadap diri sendiri.maksudnya, sama ada diri menggunakan masa yang diperuntukkan dengan betul atau sebaliknya.
dalam erti kata lain, tidak boleh salah guna masa lapang tapi perlu pastikan semua pelajaran sudah diulang kaji. kepada semua rakan seperjuangan, selamat berusaha dan berjaya. =)
[ahahaa..mode nk tulis cam budak skema dlm bahasa melayu..ok x? ]
Monday, October 26, 2009
still, i'll enjoy d 'cheecky' experience.lol. amusing myself quietly.hihi..(yet, must be careful :P)
so dat one day perhaps when i remembered about it, i'll smile n say: yaa, another nice memory..hihi..
saw him just now.uh!~ in d library.wif his friend. he's smiling at d moment.uh. oh..
n i feel funny to myself.because earlier in d early morning i dreamt of seeing him!. even told my rumet: eh, maknenye mimpi je laa jumpa dia td..ahaa.
but it turns out dat i see him, so dat's wat makes me smile.haha
dat's ol..tq.. :P
Friday, October 23, 2009
gelak gatai!!!
-sape kantoi dgn sape skrg ni sbenarnye?? rofl~
-aku suka tengok je.dat's final.
sekian terima kasih.
p/s: hitam (baju melayu) memang best!! x kesah kalo dok kt mamak pon.rofll!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
daun pisang punya cerita
sume plan da buat.tunggu ketua chief.ayam pon da ready.
-yogi, jess, sharm, ina potong2 ingredients
-mila, ruhi, ck pegi umah makcik durian amek daun pisang -tima kasih makcik!!-
later start cooking.sue also come to help
eating time!!! after asar prayer, all join up.
-sharm, ck, jess, yogi serve d food =D
-jialing takes photos..(sorry, can't be published.ladies ^-^) oh!! n she uses fingers, not spoon n fork! clap3 for cute jiajia..
we got kari ayam..kuah kacang panjang..peria goreng(first time saya rasa!)
n my most fav: papadom yg besar, rangup dan sedap!! =D
ella oso join.ima can't make it.so as micel..
chien made extra chicken curry 4 sharm.later chien, jialing helps to clean up d stove n kitchen.sue, jess, ck, do d dish washing.others too..
tp pinggan xyah basuh.daun pisang maa..hahaa
above all: it was superb!!! hugs n kisses to dearest housemate!!
p/s: sape kata girls cohort 4 xde life? :P
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
-see..u wif ur negative thinking again..
(dat's y i write it ere, as to let it out yet not really out there..my heart needs escapism or else it'll blow out inside n i dun really fond of dat)
Friday, October 16, 2009
a blend, total mixture with its own uniqueness...
highly sweet of syrup, burning spicy and hot, sour and bitter.. but all wrapped in a great feeling and flavour.
thanks, ya Rabbi, for i had d chance..
thanks to all elements and components of cohort 4, that create the marvelous n amazing molecule!!
tribute to suzana's video.. (^,^) -----click here!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
heavy heart
not that i'm aiming for perfection. juz hoping to be normal.without negative manner.
releasing a deep sigh of tiresome.
dear myself.i get paid 4 wat ive done.try to think less about wat has happened.when people said look back at the past 4 d lesson, meaning: take d lesson n keep heading to better future.not keep grieving for past mistakes.
really hope dat time can heal..
really hope to be a better learner..
must stay closer to Him..must keep walking to Him.He has all d solutions.all d answer.all d need for d better.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
n i hate my slow brain that fails to filter n remind the tongue not to utter bad words
n i hate myself who learnt d lesson only for a short period n keep doing it the rest of the time.
i hate it..coz it is never my intention to hurt anyone.esp those whom i dearly love.
people can think:"eleh..cakap je lebih.."
only me knows..i really din't mean it.."
bcoz i alwiz regret after saying things -but all are useless edi. uttered word will alwiz be d same.can't change it.d effect remains d same.
n dat's y...i h.a.t.e. i.t. d flesh with bone in my mouth.. ='(
stupid slow brain!!!! idiot bad tongue!!! tsskk
no..it shudnt be dis way. iam d stupid n idiot one actually ='(
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Monday, October 05, 2009
she is much curious.at almost everything.
she is eager to know things around her, that's why she ends up being n the boxes, toilet, kitchen, under the bed, and even in the cupboard if you let the door ajar..
she's also very much cute n adorable!! i put her on the bed. she'll start cleaning herself-which she is much fond of doing; almost every half n hour [provided she's x sleeping..haha]. then she'll look at me getting ready for my prayer wif an undefined look: puzzled + adorable + blurr (haha). then as i turn my head to d left for salaam, she's already asleep.huhu..
i love to pat her. especially when she requests for it.yaa, she does. still remember dat nite.she's already full.she's went to loo outside.n she's ready to sleep.but she's not sleeping yet. she follows me wherever i go; to d kitchen..to d living room.till i get into my bedroom. so, i take her and starts caressing her and she starts to close her eyes.. oh~ she must be missing her mum...
miss u, oyin..wait for my semester break ya.. =D
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
story telling....?
he takes her to a Chinese shop.they look for the cutest tanglung in the shop.two of the same.exactly the same. =)
they went out of the shop when suddenly the boy approaches the girl, nearer.he told her, he's happy as it is their first day out.first with certain meaning.special meaning.she smiles.coz she feels so as well.
a friend of him wanted to buy the same tanglung, yet he manage to made her change her mind.so the tanglung will be the same for the boy and the girl only.
they've agreed to go for the festival together.he waited for her at the stairs.he might not know that the girl is smiling her heart out while climbing down the stairs.
he helps to light the candle and put it in her tanglung.he did the same to his as well.the girl cannot explain her feeling at the moment.a lil bit of shy, greater part of happiness with bit of heartbeatin drummin in her.
people said you can see relationship of two person via photos of them.whether they are happy together, loving each other or..even hate each other.
and the picture of the nite clearly tells how they are fallen for each other at the very moment.
the end
Saturday, September 26, 2009
d earth is still spinning
ya, surely for literature class..hehe..
but i find dat i enjoyed d story! really nice.
it amuses me, give a delighted feeling n i chuckled most of d time..
erm, still packing my stuff..will bring sum rendang for my housemates..oh, n keropok lekor kelulut s well-it tastes better than from d usual shop i used to buy before..
n not to forget keropok sira for chien.
Monday, September 14, 2009
---Kita tidak mahu wujudnya satu budaya paranoid umat Islam yang melatah dengan mudah tatkala didatangi oleh kenyataan-kenyataan seperti ini. Orang Islam sangat cepat dimanipulasi sebagai agen merosakkan produk dan perkhidmatan melalui penyebaran email yang mendakwa ada benda tidak halal, ada campuran beracun dan lain-lain yang mana sebahagaiannya adalah palsu. Ia hanya membuktikan bahawa orang Islam banyak kerisauan tetapi tidak banyak berusaha untuk menyelidik bagi menghilangkan kerisauan tersebut.
Islam tidak pernah mengharamkan Muslim membeli atau menggunakan apa-apa produk dan perkhidmatan daripada non Muslim termasuk Yahudi. Mengharamkan pembelian atau penggunaan sesuatu produk atau perkhidmatan hanya dengan alasan ia milik Yahudi, boleh mengheret kita terjebak kepada perbuatan MENGHARAMKAN APA YANG HALAL, yang mana perbuatan itu sama buruknya dengan MENGHALALKAN APA YANG HARAM.
Malah perbuatan anti Yahudi secara semberono begitu adalah bersifat perkauman yang dibenci oleh Islam.
Terdapat begitu banyak keterangan daripada Sunnah bahawa berurusniaga dengan kaum Musyrikin dan Yahudi itu adalah harus. Misalnya di dalam sepotong hadith:
“Sesungguhnya Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam membeli makanan daripada seorang Yahudi dengan pembayaran secara bertangguh dan mencagarkan baju besi baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.” [Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari nombor 2326, 2/841]
Keharusan ini hanya berubah dengan adanya dalil lain yang mengubah keharusan itu, atau berlakunya sesuatu yang mengubah konteks hadith ini.~thinking..hmmmm.....so, no need to feel too paranoid la ek..relief to get dis statement. =D
Praise be to Rabbi,
[Al-Quran: Surat al-Baqarah, Ayah 255]
Saturday, September 12, 2009
somehow, i feel like i am not a good friend.always, i think i made myself a bad friend.but always too..i tried to be a good one, though i keep straying away by my attitudes (SIGH!). o is it sumthing dat i need not to understand o learn? but how's dat?? puzzled. =S
n i thought i cud be a good friend by being understanding.sumthing whic is very hard 4 me. coz i alwiz fail to understand.alwiz being ignorant.needing others to tell me dat i'm doing wrong.-based on my experiences, sumthing dat i'm x fond of, coz i'm making mistakess..
if i do wrong n didn't realize it, how can i tell dat i dun have d intention of doing it? n how not to let my wrong doings affecting d relationship? coz, it feels different. n i'm afraid, people will dislike me..
Thursday, September 10, 2009
patah tumbuh hilang berganti~

i missed him..dat morning..looking forward 4 d eid break so dat can sleep wif him.feed him wif d lizard dat i'll catch using long 'penjolok'..catching him and running away when he starts to catch my leg..but..
when i called my sis dat night, she was crying, as she told me in her loud sobs, he's dead d.
i'm speechless 4 quite a moment.quite hard to accept.coz been missing him.
but as ruhi said, it's juz a cat..
i've returned for d eid.oh, before dat, i've already got d news about some'one' new in our house..
erm, since i got to pack my stuff now as i'm leaving tonite so i'll tell about her in other posts.surely to talk about her soon.. ^,^
still, kunit will alwiz be sumwhere in d living red flesh of mine
Sunday, September 06, 2009
i'm begging
only You have d total control over everything, even over me..
Friday, September 04, 2009
well, evrything counts dear!
i can never be sure how long is the time until the final moment. and i am not as sure as how i will face d final moment in dis world. will i be in a shocked n full of regret condition? na'uzubillah.. will i be in a happy and excited condition? -hopefully!! amin..
but yaa, i can never be sure..
juz now, a friend of mine made me realize, i shud put more caution in my words..-ya, d same issue over and over again.. i feel quite bad actually. coz my intention is to help him realize certain things but i did it in a total wrong way.yup, feel bad becoz not only my effort is sum kinda useless, also affect myself.their respect upon me.n, bad mouth isn't sumthing He likes, rite?
-feel bad-
so, i must be more careful in every single step. wat a waste to lose all ur labour juz becoz of a small organ.alert! -much worried.. =S
Sunday, August 30, 2009
walking on another stage..closer to d end..
praise be to almighty Allah taala. i am much grateful 4 His gift in a form of human beings in d name of my friends!! =)
i am now 21 years old girl.ya, much closer to d (unknown) end. till then, must keep surviving n trying d best to mardhatillAh. amin.
had great time at Secret Recipe.happy faces.full stomach. -er, since it's ramadhan, i feel easier to be full edi. better rite, 4 diet =D ok, less talk, juz enjoy d picas.. more at my fb (^,^)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
emonye minah ni!!!!!!!!!!!!
have been trying hard.much.still..dunno..perhaps i juz dun deserve a trust.perhaps.why people can be understanding by nature? o is it the nurture? why didn't i grow such s well..
tired.of convincing myself-hey, alwiz learn from ur mistakes.watch ur manner.ur attitude!but will they still be by myside when i've learnt enuf? when i've become better person? o it never will happen? y i alwiz do mistakesss????y i alwiz messed up things? y i alwiz say things dat hurt people?-hate myself.isk!i noe i never had d intentions but hey, u did that! doesnt matter whther u're intentionally o not.
ya.i m not a person wif confidence.but how to be confident of urself when things seems not to be convincing..y do i feel people keep lotss of things behind me? o is it juz me thinking such way? i used to ask questions when i'm unsure.but now i dunno whter shud i ask o juz keep my mouth shut.coz i dun think i can get d answer.
farina, u need to try harder..........
Thursday, August 20, 2009
it is not easy
pasal status haram makanan -kedai2, makanan yang ada emulsifier (Exxx), saya tahu, saya pun kadang2 x pasti, betulke menda tu haram? mungkin saya je yang rasa camtu.mungkin info yg sy terima tu salah.mungkin juga itu hanya rumours.tapi...saya rasa lebih baik untuk saya hindari yang syubhah. saya rasa alasan untuk saya menjauhinya cukup kuat.
first, keraguan itu sudah timbul dalam hati saya
secondly, sourcenya saya da evaluate n bagi saya ianya kuat.
thirdly, saya tidak menghadapi sebarang kesulitan untuk menghindarinya.banyak alternatif lain yang mudah didapati-alhamdulillah
lagipun, kalau nk compare apa yg saya kena korbankan -nafsu/keinginan nk makan menda tu- dengan segala nikmat yang dah saya dapat sejak dari lahir sampai hari ni..rasanya tak terbanding.ye la, saya ada family, kawan2 yang baik, saya tak cacat, masih dapat makan dan minum tak macam kat bosnia.tempat tinggal saya aman dari perang, bencana alam yg besar.saya selalu dapat jalan keluar bila ada masalah, saya tidak pernah dizalimi oleh sesiapa seperti Sumaiyah..banyak lagi la kalau nk listkan.smpai kalau baca ayat dalam surah Yaasin tu jadi malu sendiri..
Dan mereka memperoleh padanya manfa'at-manfa'at dan minuman. Maka mengapakah mereka tidak bersyukur? (QS. 36:73) -surah yasin, ayat 73
bila timbul keraguan, tidak bermakna saya terus menolak makanan itu, tapi saya hindari dan cari sedikit ruang untuk kepastian. agar saya boleh makan dengan yakin.
Bila berhadapan dengan syubhat :
tinggalkan perkara tersebut untuk elakkan dosa - redha Allah.
bila ada syubhat pada pandangan orang tapi tidak pada kita - mesti jelaskan supaya hilang syubhat tersebut - original article
Syubhah ialah sesuatu hukum yang tidak diketahui dengan jelas hukum halal dan haramnya. Ini dijelaskan daripada sebuah hadis yang bermaksud:
"Yang halal itu jelas dan yang haram itu jelas dan di antara kedua-duanya terdapat sesuatu yang syubhah yang tidak diketahui oleh kebanyakan manusia. Sesiapa yang menjauhi yang syubhah itu maka sesungguhnya ia telah memelihara agama dan maruahnya, manakala sesiapa yang cenderung terlibat dengan syubhah maka ia terlibat dengan melakukan perkara yang haram".
ya Allah, janganlah kerana perjuanganku ini aku tidak disenangi oleh rakan2 ku..
ya Allah, berilah kami petunjuk yang terang dan jelas agar kami terselamat dari kemurkaanMu..
ya Allah, peliharalah kami semua..
Sunday, August 16, 2009
u make lemonade!

bismillah, salam alaik~
hm, i guess those who used to listen to Hitz.fm surely know dis tagline:
"if life give you lemon, you make lemonade"
a lesson i learnt today is to alwiz stay positive.alwiz shud have d positive aura evolve and sparks around me.so dat my mind will alwiz stay calm.rational thinking will lead to better judgement, and more importantly, i stop hurting myself.coz i dun have d right to do so.coz i truly belongs to Allah and only He has all d might n d right to decide on me.
though i can never escape from mistakes, imperfections, and bad feelings..at least i shud be able to get rid of those negative thinkings, assumptions.
it's how u percieve things. if you look at something and you believe it is beautiful and valueable, then it is so. and even if sumthing so precious, so great but u take it wrongly, looking at it with terrible feeling and disgust, then it has no value upon you.
----Kesimpulannya, setiap daripada kita memiliki kekurangan dan kecacatan tersendiri. Kita semua adalah tempayan retak. Di mata Allah yang Maha Bijaksana, tidak ada yang terbuang atau dibazirkan secara percuma. Jangan takut akan kekurangan kita tetapi kenalilah kelemahan kita. Ketahuilah, di dalam kelemahan setiap orang, terselit kekuatan yang kita belum temui.- iluvislam.com
i dont know!!!
what shud i do? how shud i react? how to please people?? i mean really truly please them.
a line from d person convincing me is not enuf.coz i feel d other way round beneath d 'ok' utterance..or does it really means ok? but why it doesnt seem so?
cud it be i tried tooo hard? shud i be more relax n take it easy??
but i feel bad.down.sigh! i feel terrible!! i don't know!!
i need an answer but who can give me d answer?? whom shud i refer to?
bad n heavy-breath.,dat's how i feel now.even ginn's smile rite now can't soothe me..
ya Rabbi, guide me..
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
titipan untuk si dara
jadi gadis usah mudah bersungut
kerna kelak orang jadi muak
jadi gadis perlu pandai jaga bahasa dan tutur
agar orang sentiasa senang dan sayang
jadi gadis harus ada maruah dan pendirian
moga diri tidak diremeh, diperleceh tapi disegani
jadi gadis perlu kembali kepada TUhan,
supaya diri ingat tujuan, tak hilang pedoman

written at 10:39am
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
be careful..
but juz a kind reminder, do be careful ya dear frenss..
if u've got d symptoms, quick, see d doctor, coz u never noe..it cud be anyone as d next victim..
as surprised s i got to noe: UKLK 4 positive H1N1..uishh
There are several reasons why many health professionals are very concerned:
- The virus is easily spread from human to human
- The virus is mutating quickly, making it unpredictable. This could be the reason why is has killed dozens in Mexico but only caused minor sickness in the US so far.
- Those who have died or gotten very sick are largely young and healthy. A typical flu virus usually hits the elderly and sick hardest.
d symptoms 4 those who might not noe?:-
The typical signs of sickness are:
- High fever
- Severe body aches
- Headache
- Extreme tiredness
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea (more common in children than in adults)
okay, pray to Allah, may all of us be safe..amin~
(going home by 12am.till next entry)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
well, d great morning started with a great weather (today it seems like it's gonna rain out there). bought tomyam stuff at wet market- better than buying at billion. =D later ruhi went home n d tg. malim town tracking began~ yeaa
ok, minus d breakfast n wet market hour, d tracking went 4 6hours or so! huiyoo..bet lots of calories burnt down (undeniably along with d spondulicks s well-hehe) coz we hardly take any rest. keep on walking from one to another shop. -jalan sampai pengsan- LOL
wif target stuff in mind, we hunt 4 d best. shortlisted d favourites and continued heading to another shoppe n end up wif satisfaction, joy, big grin despite hurting leg n knee.
-it's raining outside right now. wud b great to have a glass of fresh chocolate drink.
**can't wait 4 d tiramisu chocolate!! been craving 4 it since leaving ipsaH..
Thursday, July 23, 2009
"Di sini... merah berdenyut"
kerna di sini hanya milik DIa.
kerna jika ada kau di sini,
pasti tiada tempat untuk Dia.
tapi, meski ada Dia di sini,
jika kita benar dan jujur,
pasti...tersedia tempat khusus untuk kau,
khusus yang lebih bermakna, lebih bahagia...
kerna denyut merah ini, bersama kau,
adalah demi DIA..
dan itu yang sewajarnya.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
dropping by~
erm, dis week quite tiring.oso a spice of upset.rekabentuk instruksional.huuuuhh....
little pinch of anger.n recently a shocking news come knocking.a friend of mine juz lost her dad.alFatihah 4 him..may he be among d blessed one, amin.. 4 u dear friend, stay strong...
definitely not a suitable time 4 longer entry.till then, wait 4 1st august.grriiinnn =)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
x sabarnye pg td nk p ngk ice age.bukan la pasal citernya sgt tp sebab nk ngk 3D!! huhuoii.first time.pkai spek.pastu jalan2 ngn classmate a.k.a housemates.
hadui, boleh tahan aa kelakar citer iceAge 3 tu.wpun x byk psl dinosaur tu sgt yg kununnya ganas tp juz bayang2, until almost d end, tp aku suka.sebab sgt comel.kelakar-xyah cakap ah, hillarious(4 me) esp sebab Sid d sloth n d animal dat hunt for d acorn-dia fall in love wif another of his kind.haduiyai.berebut acorn in a tango-like dancing! tp background sweet-i'm melting in love- xleh blah.cantik n bit amusing.haha...
tolonglah!! berapa lama beratur tunggu ktm utk balik rawang dr Midvalley tuh! haduiiiii.da ah sardin tahap ultra padat.duh.pastu rasa mcm suffocated n almost got hyperventilated lagi.missed d first komuter but succeed in d 2nd one.hadui.using ktm at peak hour is sooo torturing! stil, alhamdulillah everything went well :) oh ye, terseksa gak sikit dek kesejukan tahap cengkam tulang dlm train dr tg malim ke rawang.len kali bwk sweater ah.hmmm...
ok, skrg aku da kat bilik.tunggu mila mandi sat.pastu aku lak.tersenyum? sebab trip hr ni best bg aku.jalan2-ya, byk sungguh jalan2 carik toilet.haha. [bukan susah nk carik toilet, instead, byk lagi tuh.tp masalahnye, nk carik yg ada paip getah! haih, aku maybe x moden sgt.boleh je nk guna yg berteknologi pancuran dari paip selari dgn flush tu tapi aku prefer yg ada paip getah.rasa lebih yakin dan bersih.nanti kalo was2 susah lak time solat.jenuh gak carik, tapi, again, alhamdulillah, jumpa gak.so, 4 any ladies yg nk carik toilet yg sama, carik kt LG floor.dr Baskin Robin's booth jln straight ke arah south center.tny ah makcik cleaner, depa taw]
pastu psl ngk 3D tu.hihi.ok la.tp cam x byk sgt yg popping out.ade la sket2..oh ye, pastu makan sgt byk harini.plus kek.ngidam lak.adeh.hihi..
mila da nk siap kot.ruhi ngah wat belanjawan.ok la, salam...gudnite~
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

ina kayuh.chien bonceng.
mila kayuh.jia ling bonceng.
swwooossshh,...eeh...senget! senget..alamak, bumper...ahahahaha..
few minutes later everything went smooth n we arrived safely.
but above all, SYIOOKKK!!! =D
8 of us went for dinner at kopitiam.later, ruhi, jess, yogi, n sharm go to d library.while me, hcc, hjl n mila cycle back to our home sweet home.we change-me wif mila n hcc wif hjl.slightly feel tired at d leg but d enjoy n excitement heal it! haha..feel so fun, like when im playing badminton wif classmate at d ipsAh gym last time 4 d elt tournament practice at d nite. fullawehh~!! hihihi
ok, dis week is soo tiring! bunch of assignmentss already been spoonfed to us.sigh~nevermind.one step at a time.erm, looking at my rumate, i guess my terrible habit of postponing might be cured partially if not hundred percent.hihi..
ok.shower.prayer.language test notes.
dats ol 4 now.salam...
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
looking for d answer
or perhaps, when a problem come, knocking on ur way, u feel upset.slightly angry and wondering why can't problems leave us alone living happily as how we wanted.still, problems need to be solved and we tried our best.when they're solved, fuh! senses of pride! satifaction! uh! but...when things seem to be much more complicated and we feel weak..tired..uncapable of handling d tiresome and annoying problem, we started to feel down.bad.very bad of myself! why can't i be a success person? why can't i fix d problem??? why am i sooo imperfect???duh..sob3...
well, dear friends, only one solution for this which u might have forgotten or cud be u choose not to remember..only by returning to HIM, u'll get d answer..by putting up ur hand to Rabbul-alamin, seeking for d answer sincerely, and He'll give u d answer.yet, it depends, if u've the right to get d answer now.if He thinks that u deserve the answer.cud be, if He's still not answering, meaning that it's not time yet 4 u to know..because He knows all.He controls everything.and be joyful for those who alwiz remember dis..praise be to Allah... =)
oh, when u feel timid and imperfect, cud be, that's a reminder 4 u, dat nobody is perfect but HIM.coz He is d one whom created us, in such beautiful shape.subhanAllah.
-dis entry is actually dedicated to mydearself (hihi) but i wud like to share wif others who might have felt d same
Monday, July 06, 2009
new atmosphere(partially) *fb status*? :P
new house.new room.new semester.
wondering why i feel slightly unmotivated 4 dis beginning..
maybe it'll come a bit later.hopefully.amin.
dis morning mr sidik told us about d poetry seminar n i'm kinda interested but not others.feel like trying but.. -grammar?confident?paper?oooo.haha
surfing at a new desk.nice smelled room =) smiling ginn n winnie.they also smelled nice now. =D ok la, laundry~
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
ya, i'm grateful for it!
usually people tell how they laugh till cry or cry and laugh at d same time, but tonite i'm laughing after yelling angrily.LOL.actually, a common thing.hahaha..n it's unique.d bond,made by blood, by d spirit of family.huhu..
ya Rabbi, i am grateful for having a family =)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
ayam oh ayam...
sekarang mak dan ayahku berada di rumah abangku di shah alam.mereka menghantar kakakku yg ketiga dengan barang2nya yang amat banyak untuk praktikalnya di seremban nanti-kalau aku tidak silap :p-jarang sekali mak tiada jika aku lagi di rumah, cuma beberapa minggu di awal cuti sem sj yang ayahku tiada.dia pergi ke UPM Serdang, mengikuti kursus tentang kayu-ayahku awalnya lebih kepada bidang elektrik tapi harus mengikuti kursus ini sejak bekerja di kilang papan usai umur pencennya..baginya, ini kali pertama dia ikut cara pembelajaran yang sedemikian rupa: diajar oleh seorang pensyarah berpangkat Professor, di dewan yang punya puluhan atau mungkin ratusan pelajar.atau erti lainnya, pengalaman pertama ayah mengikuti kuliah seperti anak2nya di usia 59..lihat, usia bukan penghalang =)
oh, soal ayam seperti di tajuk yg kutulis..haha, sebenarnya sungguh lucu.aku ditugaskan untuk beberapa perkara- "na, nanti goreng ikan...masak nasi..basuhkan baju mak(mujur punya mesin basuh)..bagi makan ayam..tutup semua tingkap, kunci rumah sebelum tidur..pergi sekolah bibah esok utk ambil kad kemajuan.." dan banyak lagi pesanan mak sebelum kereta bergerak semalam.mahu sj aku tulis semua dalam satu senarai yg pjg.huhu...jadi, aku perlu urus ayam2 itu..mak sempat ajar aku bgmn tutup reban.penat menunggu dua ekor ayam yg nakal, membuat kami termangu2 menunggu mereka masuk ke reban sedang yg lain sudah pun di dalam..
oh, terlupa pula. selingan berita:
"2 ditemui mati dipercayai lemas ekoran air yang terlalu banyak dan mereka gagal berenang.masa kejadian dianggar tengahari.mangsa ditemui oleh seorang remaja lelaki berusia 19thn..."kejadian berlaku di reban ayam belakng rumahku! adeh.dan 2 ekor bangkai anak ayam yg sungguh kasihan itu sudah ditanam adikku itu setelah aku mendesaknya.haha..kesian sungguh si anak ayam, haus barangkali..tapi mungkin terjatuh dan gagal naik semula.ish3..
lucu aku rasa bila melihat ayam2 itu beratur menaiki reban masing2..sungguh tahu diri bahawa hari sudah malam dan perlu pulang-kecuali 2 ekor yg nakal tadi, penat menunggu hingga azan maghrib..ish.dan pagi ini.lucu melihat mereka tidak sabar2 mahu keluar! seperti aku bakal diterkam usai pintu dibuka! sedikit takut-mereka punya paruh dan cakar okay.. -haha
mungkin aku agak lewat membukanya, semua sudah menanti tanpa sabar dan saat pintu dibuka, nah, seekor demi seekor keluar..menuruni tangga reban yg ayahku buat.-terfikir sebentar, kenapa istilah ibu dan anak ayam dikait dengan pelacur? entah.
seperti diduga, ayam2 ini amat lapar-tidak pernah tidak, haha-jadi aku mengambil balang makanan mereka dan menaburnya di tanah, di bekas2 makanan mereka..tiba2 aaa! seekor yg rakus melompat ke atas reban disebelahku dan hampir terkena bahuku! dia ingin patuk makanan langsung dari balang yg aku letak disitu! huh, sungguh tidak penyabar! hahahahahha...
ok la, aku perlu siapkan nasi goreng.kuali2 dan periuk perlu dibasuh.kuah basi itu mungkin jadi jamuan ayam petang nanti-lupa untuk menyimpannya malam td!! adeh-
perlu bersiap utk ke SMK Pdg Midin bagi mengambil kad kemajuan adikku..
Thursday, June 25, 2009
can't wait 4 ramadhan to visit us again! =) but will i be able to live till then? -hehe (d wisest is d one who alwiz remember abt death rite, let's make it a custom of our daily life)
oh ya, another thing dat i'm worried is abt future housemates..not that i'm worried abt them but i'm worried abt myself making mistakes wif my words or doings and causing unwanted things to happen.na'uzubillah..but..ya, worried abt dat..will trifles affect d frenship? hopefully things will be juz fine, or betterwise strengthen our unity, amin..
Monday, June 22, 2009
exciting tho exhausting
yaa, tired 4 sure..slight headache.stil, desire to blogging is higher than d tendency to sleep.lol
erm, 2days n a nite at mila's house give different flavours to my life menu dis week.
initially, dun really noe how to get along wif those people whom i've never met -mila's grannies..families..cousinss.. (wedding=family gathering, keep dat in mind =P )
oso, i'll be lost whenever mila, syafinaz n yaya started sharing stories coz i can't really join them in d talking.huhu..coz they're x-schoolmate maa..so i've done more wif d listening n laughing than talking.haha..kekok earlier but getting better than =)
heard quite stories from Mila's grannies.how they get married young.never met wif future husband til wedding day.staying alone at home n almost being attacked by robber..about their grandchildren,etc2.. oh..alfatihah 4 my late granny, Chik..
d first day arrived, excitedly jump into mila's car n forgot to buy d ticket to go back to tganu! lol.luckily yoghee is sumwhere in town n she helped to buy d ticket.thanks geetz.
at mila's house, helped wif d bunga telur, doing d ribbon 4 d cute little boxes 4 d eggs..oso do d daun pandan cutting.went out around 11pm to TC-too crowded! next to Santai restaurant sumwhere at tanjung lumpur.had choc-ice blended (still missed ez cafe's one) n join mila yaya syafinaz chatting..laughing..-dozed off few minutes in d car earlier.haha.too tired from d journey perhaps.
then went to IKIP to sleep but d air conditioner is not functioning n they decided to go back to mila's house (nice sea view when u step out from d big house!) n by 2am i ended up sleeping not so soundly as i'm fighting d chilled air -without any blanket-coming out of d aircond.lol.-i dun really like to sleep in such cold air.
wake up early d next day.subuh prayer.roticanai breakfast.bunga manggar preparation.listening to karaoke show.get my shower.dress up wif d kurung.waiting 4 d bride n bridegroom.help distributing d telur in sangkar to bride's family n relatives.waiting 4 geetha.eat wif her n her friend.waiting n talking n waiting n eating n talking n waiting 4 nasrin.he comes.waiting 4 him to eat.snapped pic wif mila, geetha, len, geetha's friend at d beautiful wedding dais.went out to pantai batu hitam-ok, i love dis part, hihi-we go to d beach.walking by d beach side.drenched my kurung at d below part.collect some shells.walking at d slippery n hard black stones.writing names on d sand.stepped on len's name-LOL-snap some pics n return to mila's house.
ok, then i rushed 4 prayer, pack things, n off to terminal.n now, i've done wif d entry. =)
Friday, June 19, 2009
it begins here
Tahukah anda bahawa Facebook telah berjaya mengaut keuntungan sebanyak USD300 juta pada tahun 2008? Ini tidak menghairankan kerana ia disokong oleh 140 juta pengguna aktif di seluruh dunia dan sejumlah 8.5 juta foto dimuat turun setiap hari. Tahukah anda bahawa pengasas Facebook, iaitu Mark Zuckerberg dilahirkan dalam sebuah keluarga Yahudi-Amerika dan dibesarkan di Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County , New York ? Tahukah anda bahawa Mark Zuckerberg semasa menuntut di Universiti Harvard telah menggodam laman sesawang universiti untuk mendapatkan profail peribadi para pelajar tanpa kebenaran mereka? Maka, adakah jaminan terhadap profail peribadi para pelanggan Facebook tatkala kini beliau adalah merupakan CEO-nya?
Tahukah anda bahawa Majalah Time telah mengiktiraf Zuckerberg dalam ranking ke 52 daripada 101 tokoh sebagai antara 'tokoh paling berpengaruh dunia 2008′, iaitu sebaris dengan nama besar Barrack Obama dan Dalai Lama? Tahukah anda bahawa majalah Forbes Top400 telah menyenaraikan Mark Zuckerberg sebagai individu ke-321 terkaya Amerika daripada 400 individu lain pada 2008? Namun apa yang lebih penting, Zuckerberg merupakan individu termuda pernah disenaraikan Forbes, ketika usianya baru mencecah 24 tahun dengan kekayaan peribadi sebanyak USD1..5 billion.Tahukah anda bahawa Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebook adalah merupakan seorang ahli aktif kepada sebuah pertubuhan persaudaraan Yahudi Amerika Utara, Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity (AEPi)?
Sedikit Info tentang AEPi:
1) Diasaskan untuk membantu lelaki Yahudi mencari pasangan Yahudinya.
2) Ia juga bertujuan untuk mengekal dan menguatkan hubungan sesama Yahudi diperingkat sekolah tinggi dan di bidang pekerjaan nanti...
3) Mengekalkan idealisme Yahudi supaya terjaga di sudut nilai, etika, dan menyiapkan peserta untuk menjadi pemimpin negara dan organisasi Yahudi pada masa depan dan dalam pelbagai lapangan bidang profesional.
4) Mark Zuckerberg termasuk dalam senarai alumni AEPi yang masyhur namanya
5) AEPi berkait secara langsung dengan Israel melalui Ikatan Inisiatif Israel
6) AEPi sangat berkait rapat dengan kebanyakan pertubuhan Yahudi/Zionis antarabangsa seperti AIPAC, Hillel, Israel on Campus Coalition, Aish HaTorah, Chabad on Campus, Hasbara Fellowships, B'inai Brith International, Shaare Zedek, Chai Lifeline, Holocaust Museum, dan Gift of Life.
Dan tahukah anda bahawa keuntungan Facebook datang daripada iklan-iklan yang dipapar. Semakin banyak pengguna dan pengunjung Facebook, maka semakin banyak pulalah keuntungannya. Pergi ke manakah pula semua keuntungan tersebut?
Persoalan paling besar di sini ialah, adakah keuntungan besar yang diperolehi oleh Facebook turut digunakan untuk membiayai dana perang Israel menentang umat Islam di Gaza, Palestin dan umat Islam di seluruh dunia?
Okay..soo..how?? will i be able to totally quit fb??
let's see some responses (from iLuvislam forum)
- If you want to boycott Facebook just because it contributes to Israel (it doesn't, actually), then you should not use the internet because massive parts of the internet were produced bu Jews. Wallahua'lam..
- Baru-baru ni terpikir la pulak nak check yang ramai orang citer facebook ni dengan israel ni betoi ke. Ni info yang saya nak kongsi. Seperti yang kita tahu, pemilik ataupun founder bagi facebook ni ialah ZuckerbergSiapa dia ni? Pasal yang tuduhan dia mencuri daripada rakan dia tentang facebook, saya taknak ulas sebab tak jumpa lagi bukti yang sohih. Yang saya jumpa hanya la si mamat Zuckerberg ni merupakan salah seorang alumni dan penyokong bagi Alpha Epsilon Pi. Nak tau lebih lanjut pasal Alpha Epsilon Pi boleh klik sini. Secara ringkasnya ia ada kaitan dengan komuniti Yahudi. Boleh check kat well-known alumni untuk cari nama founder facebook tu.Jadi mamat american-jews ni, memang ada kaitan dalam dengan yahudi secara umumnya. Dari situ timbul perasaan was-was untuk teruskan guna facebook. Bimbang kita turut sama menyumbang kepada negara Israel secara tidak langsung. Kitapun tahu israel bukan negara yang menjana ekonomi tapi boleh serang palestin bertubi-tubi dan guna senjata canggih. Dari mana dia dapat duit? Tentulah dari jutawan-jutawan Yahudi seluruh dunia.Tu je yang jadi kebimbangan kita. Penutupnya, saya rasa, lebih baik tinggalkan jela benda yang was-was ni.
Wallahu 'alam
- setiap kali kita log in,kita turut membantu israel dari segi memberi mereka keuntungan..nauzubillah..
- kenyataan ini silap sebenarnya..kalau tak, dah lama bro ImKoyube kaya raya disebabkan iLuvIslam nih ramai org login..tapi still kita mintak sumbangan ramai..kenapa?sbb makin ramai orang guna, makin besar load yg diterima..makin mahal bayaran yang perlu dibuat utk hosting dan maintenance dll dsb..kenyataan yg sebenar adalah makin ramai org guna,makin tinggi impression sesuatu site dapat,makin tinggi keinginan advertiser utk letak iklan di site tersebut..yang paling biasa adalah KALAU kita klik iklan, baru FaceBook untung,walaupun ade jugak sesetengah iklan yg menawarkan pakej - kalau org tgk je iklan tu pun dapat..at least bagi mereka yang nak guna FB, jangan klik iklan2 yang karut marut di tepi tu..kalau tanak guna, apa salahnya..takde masalah..bagi saya, laman sosial seperti ini memudahkan perkongsian maklumat tanpa flooding emel orang - kalau tengok FB saya pun xde pape selain link2 lucah dan pengumuman mengarut..last sekali, baca post LeoKid.. ianya satu peringatan berguna buat penggemar laman sosial..TQ~
any view or comment anyone?
tomorrow to kuantan
to recall...i've not been to kuantan 4 quite a time.d last time was when my family is still staying in pahang.but at dat time i juz made use of d kuantan terminal to wait 4 my dad to come n pick me up after waving gudbye to saidatul as we've end our journey back from ipsah =) -those early years been in TesL *buzz! awake!* :P
hm, d last memory of going to kuantan parade is wif fatimah, when i'm still a student of KmpH (never met wif sue n len b4 though we're at d same matriculation!) n we had to get into sardine-like-bus provided by d college n struggle wif other matric studentssss. another time going to kuantan is wif azah as we are attending d smkap reunion. meet wif mila n she take us to eat at a stall,sumwhere nearby pantai *pantai ape ek... i slept over at my future sis-in-law's house (at dat time kak long is not married to balong yet)
n tomorrow i'll be going to kuantan again.nervous -am alone.my weakness- yet excited.
(mila, i'll wait at d terminal ea =D )
i've been to ruhi's house at malacca during her sis's akad nikah.
i've been to hcc's house at rawang during CNY
so now it's mila's house
ho jia ling's? let me collect some money 4 d airline tickets first.huhu....
p/s: i need help in tenses... grammar, duh!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
are u in love?
- Anda suka untuk bertemu dengan-Nya. Tak sabar untuk bertemu. Tak berjumpa sesaat seolah-olah anda jadi tak menentu. Persiapan dibuat setiapa kali sebelum bertemu-Nya.
- Mendahulukan-Nya lebih dari yang lain. Dia mengatasi yang lain. Segala kehendaknya anda utamakan dan yang dilarangnya anda cepat-cepat menjauhkan diri.
- Gembira bila bersama-Nya. Ingin sentiasa bersama walaupun di mana anda berada. Susun kata indah hendak bertemu. Ayat-ayat cinta kau luahkan pada-Nya sebagai pujian ke atasnya.
- Tidak sedih kehilangan segalanya kerana cintamu terhadap-Nya melebihi segalanya. Biarlah semuanya hilang dan tiada asalkan anda tak kehilangan ISLAM .
- Merasa nikmat melakukan ketaatan terhadap perintahn-Nya. Membela agamanya sudah cukup membuatkan anda merasa nikmat di dunia.
- Tegas terhadap mereka yang menghina Islam. Apatah lagi yang melanggar apa yang disuruh-Nya.
-original article may be found at dis address--->>>http://www.iluvislam.com/v1/readarticle.php?article_id=1717
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
holiday= apron+TV+bicycle
apron: not much on cooking but more to dishwashing.lol.my sis alwiz assigned me to d sink department.lol.among all, i prefer to wash d plates most.
Tv: most of d series i've been watching during dis holiday (adding to movies in laptop n DVDs-hihi) have ended or almost come to d end. =D
Zati & si Mawas-as expected, happy ending..
Intan: last episode is on 22nd Jun
Mertua vs Menantu: almost d end -not sure bout d date
Safira: sigh...
Cinta Indah: bigger sigh...
bicycle: really enjoy dis! around 6.15pm wif my little sis, cycling around d neighbourhood -have a peep at d cute mystery neighbourboy wif d walking stick(accident ka?)-LOL- wif nice breeze. hoping to see good result from d work out.grin~
Saturday, June 13, 2009
(they are tall, slim..beautiful.. can at least my pimples all gone? -lol)
oh, talking bout smkap..something rings a bell.. i was a school prefect there.n to recall, i'm a very strict one.bet i can have a list of students talking at my back.haha..can't deny dat..-juz trying my best to carry out my responsibility given by the discipline teachers.cud it be dat i tried too much? huhu.coz i believe all will be counted in later life.huhuhu.n s d result, i got a number of titles. d most funny is : harimau! people who tell me bout dis said it's because of my seldom-smile-face n my strictness.. other titles: g-pang.. skema..etc..etc..
haha..memories beb. dang~ oh, n i was slim too.LOL.coz one of my senior juz commented on how i've put on some weight! nevermind, another motivation to work harder.ngee.. =D
Friday, June 12, 2009
i want a nice house for my family.one room for each son o daughter.one prayer room where all of us can do jemaah together n my hubby will be d imam.hikhik**
a warm living room sparkled wif tender n love..n a dining area n toilet wif bla..bla..bla..
she loves...
-d fresh breeze from green surrounding.far better than air-conditioned one.
-chocolate drinks!! -uh..uhh...either hot or cold, they can make me drool!!
-bracelet!!!! (still..waiting for d most special one from my special sumbody.lol)
-full moon! oh, glittering stars can be great companion. -prophet Muhammad s.a.w is comparable to full moon f u might not know.subhanallah! (",)
-cat! wait, kitten is more adorable.hehee..
-ramadhan n eidulfitri compared to other months..hehehe...
oh, u're asking who am i talking about? she is me..hehehehe.. -sajo gedix..daa~
(actually many more in d list...)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
tend to ignore but my heart ache.
tend to be rational n adult-like but d childish thoughts are jumping out.
but not to worry..by times it'll keep silent in there, n d suffocating breath will be back to normal.
n d heavy heart will be light n cheerful again..
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
warning: nawaitu is such a big issue!
so..have a peep at d article ya..
Monday, June 08, 2009
time machine
ok, enuf wif d clue.it's sumthing dat can capture o freeze d current moment. getting close to d answer? -c.a.m.e.r.a.-
y out of sudden i'm talking bout dis? well, becoz of d camera, i can still see how i looked like once when i'm under age.-lol- soo comot.. haha...-my bro recently scanned few old pics of us back to our childhood lane..hoho.. here are some of them.. =)
Saturday, June 06, 2009
as d title suggests..i'm trying out a new blogging ere..
previously i'm wif friendster's blog.
seems dat blogspot offers more.
till then, salam..